Best Musical Instrument!!! Which Musical Instrument Is Easy To Learn

Best Musical Instrument!!! Which Musical Instrument Is Easy To Learn

Veena musical instrument

Which Musical Instrument Is Easy To Learn They are typically about 1 meter or 3.5 feet long, although the size can vary depending on the size of the player. Vainika means the person who plays the veena and it is played sitting cross-legged. Some veenas (zithers) are played horizontally on the lap, while others (lutes) are held at an angle to the body like someone playing a sitar.

The vena musical instrument has four main melody strings and three drone strings located along the side of the neck that aid in rhythm, all of which are made of wound metal. The strings are plucked, causing the resonators to vibrate and produce sound. To play, the veena player strikes the melody strings with a plectrum or picks worn on the fingers while playing the drone strings with the little finger of the same hand.

History of Veena Instrument

Which Musical Instrument Is Easy To Learn The veena is the oldest musical instrument mentioned in written literature, dating back to the first millennium BCE in the Rig Veda and Samaveda. The original Sanskrit word ‘veena’ refers to any stringed instrument, but some ancient texts credit Narada with inventing what is now known as the modern veena. The veena is therefore considered one of the oldest Indian musical instruments. A veena similar to the one used today is depicted being played by the goddess Saraswati in the 6th century CE.

The early predecessors of the veena, also called veenas, varied somewhat in size, number of strings, and playing technique. Further innovations and modifications to the veena were developed in the 17th century during the reign of Raghunatha Najaya in Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu.

Techniques of Veena Playing

There are many different techniques, some standard for schools or teachers, while others are more personal. Techniques also reflect specific characteristics of the ragas and their ornamentations, called gamakas.

Right Hand:

  • Goti is a plucking technique in which the strings are played downward with the index and middle fingers. However, since a string played downward with any finger is no different from any other, it is a term that can be applied generally to a downward plucking motion.
  • Vali is an upward plucking technique by one finger, usually the index or middle finger.
  • Katri produces a unique double sound by playing two strings rapidly one after the other.
  • Kuta is a technique in which the strings are played with the nail of a finger, usually the thumb but not always. This produces a softer sound than the sound produced with picks.

Left Hand:

  • Portamento is a popular technique that involves sliding the fingers from one fret to the other instead of plucking from one fret to the other. This technique combines two notes instead of two separate sounds.
  • Plucking upward from a lower fret position is another technique to combine sounds.
  • The pluck and stop technique with the left finger produces a unique sound that is different from the sound obtained with the right-hand technique. It involves taking the finger off the fret and placing it on the strings.

Veena Mechanics

Which Musical Instrument Is Easy To Learn The strings of the veena are attached to tuning pegs on one side and the bridge on the other, allowing the player to adjust the tension of the strings to get the desired tone. Generally, the Veena has no standard tuning. Tuning pegs are traditionally made of wood, called birudai, and have small spring knobs that allow for fine adjustments. However, wooden tuning pegs are sensitive to weather conditions, so it is common for harps to use guitar tuning pegs, which are made of metal.

Unlike many other stringed instruments, the strings of the harp have some unique properties that make it stand out. The ends of the strings are curved rather than pointed, and the frets are more curved than those of any other fretted instrument. Also, unlike many stringed instruments, the strings are not pushed to the base of the neck, so the sound produced is smoother. The way the strings are designed allows the player to have constant control over the tension of the strings.Which Musical Instrument Is Easy To Learn

Famous harp players

  • There are many famous harp players of the past and present. Here are the most popular Veena players:

Meera Krishnan ( View her syllabus )
Asad Ali Khan
Asit Kumar Banerjee
Siddhartha Banerjee ( View his syllabus )
Aswathi Thirunal Rama Varma
Bahauddin Mohiuddin Dagar
Dr. Jayanti Kumaresh
Jayashree Jayaraj
Jayaraj Krishnan
Vainika Charumathi ( View her syllabus )
Jyoti Hegde
Kalpakam Swaminathan
Nirmala Rajasekhar
Pushpa Srivatsan
Raghunath Manet
Rajesh Vaidya
Suma Sudhindra ( View his syllabus )
Suvir Mishra
Veena Thambaps

Sitar Muscial Instrument

Which Musical Instrument Is Easy To Learn The sitar is a stringed instrument made popular by Hindustani classical music. The sitar instrument is typically 1.2 meters or four feet long and is played while sitting, holding the instrument at a 45-degree angle. The instrument’s body is a hollow pear-shaped body made from a gourd and its neck is long, wide, and hollow. The sitar can have 18 to 21 strings that are attached to side- and front-tuning pegs at one end and to one of two bridges at the other end.

Sitar strings are made from wire of varying gauges. The sitar typically has five to seven main strings that run along raised, movable frets on the instrument’s neck. There are also one or two drone strings used for rhythm and 10–13 sympathetic or taraf strings below the frets. When the main strings are played the sympathetic strings vibrate freely and produce a harmonious sound. The largest bridge, the bada gora, is connected to the main strings and drone strings, while a smaller bridge, is for the sympathetic strings.Which Musical Instrument Is Easy To Learn

Which Musical Instrument Is Easy To Learn Sitars are often made from seasoned toon wood or teak. Resonators are made from gourds – either pumpkins, kalabash, or a wooden replica. Bridge styles and materials vary depending on the preference of the musician or instrument maker. The same is true for the tabli or soundboard. Altering the bridge to affect the sound quality is called jawari, and is often achieved by filing the bridge to a specific curve.

Sitar playing techniques

The sitar is usually played sitting down, with the instrument balanced between the musician’s foot and knee. Since the instrument is typically quite large, this allows the player’s hands to move freely without having to support the instrument’s weight. Players use a metal pick or mihrab to pluck the strings, placing their thumbs above the fretboard.

As with many other instruments, alternative playing techniques vary by school and individual. Some of the most common of these techniques are described below.Which Musical Instrument Is Easy To Learn

The meend or mir is a way for the player to glide between one note and another. Also called string bending, this technique is achieved by pushing or pulling the string against curved frets. This creates a semitone or half-step between one note and another.

Which Musical Instrument Is Easy To Learn The krinton is a decorative technique that is similar to the pull-off technique on the guitar. The player pulls another finger off the string being played while keeping their index finger pressed down on the fretboard. This motion can be used at the beginning or end of a note and can also be done in reverse, similar to the guitar’s hammer-on technique. When this technique is done on two strings at the same time, it is called zamzama.

Which Musical Instrument Is Easy To Learn The flat stroke is a technique that allows the player to strike the compassionate strings while playing the main strings. This can be done by striking the strings in the ra stroke while allowing the arch to strike the sympathetic strings. This effect can also be achieved by using the little finger of the left hand to strike the sympathetic strings while the main strings are played with the right hand.

Like playing techniques, there are also different techniques for holding the instrument, which vary from player to player. While the most popular position is sitting on a flat surface with legs crossed, there are other ways to hold it. The sitar can also be played kneeling or sitting on a chair and can be modified to be played by either right- or left-handed musicians.

Sitar mechanics

Which Musical Instrument Is Easy To Learn The sitar produces many different tones and modulation using various mechanics on the instrument. every tone has a different setting The sympathetic strings are tuned to the notes of the raga being played and are returned for each raga. Each string is attached to a tuning peg that can be tightened to raise the tone or loosened to lower it. The melody strings can be further fine-tuned by sliding a bead onto each string near the bridge.

Additionally, curved, metal frets are strung along the sitar’s neck, allowing them to be moved. The frets can be positioned to achieve one of the widest varieties of pitch of any string instrument. The drone strings are usually tuned to a single pitch that is played consistently throughout the piece.Which Musical Instrument Is Easy To Learn

Notable Sitar Players

Here are some sitar players from around the world:

Anushka Shankar
Anupama Bhagwat
Asit Kumar Banerjee
Gabby La La
Gaurav Mazumder ( View his Curriculum Vitae )
Hideki Ishima
Krishna Mohan Bhatt
Manilal Nag
Niladri Kumar
Prabir Bhattacharya ( View his Curriculum Vitae )
Prem Joshua
Sami Yli-Sirnio
Shama Rahman
Shujaat Khan
Soumyajit Paul
Subrata Dey ( View his Curriculum Vitae )
Suprateek Sengupta ( View his Curriculum Vitae )
Viram Jasani

A keyboard instrument is a musical instrument

Which Musical Instrument Is Easy To Learn A keyboard instrument is a musical instrument played using a musical keyboard. The most customary of these is the piano. Other widely used keyboard instruments include a variety of instruments, as well as other mechanical, electro-mechanical, and electronic devices. In common parlance, most refer to keyboard-style synthesizers.

The pipe instruments, hurdy gurdy, clavichord, and harpsichord are early keyboard instruments. The organ is undoubtedly the oldest of these, dating back to the 3rd century BC, although this early device was called a hydraulis and was not used as a keyboard in the modern sense. From its creation until the 14th century, the organ remained the only keyboard instrument. Organs often had no keyboard, but large buttons and levers that were often operated with the whole hand. By the 15th century, nearly all keyboards had every octave, from the natural up.Which Musical Instrument Is Easy To Learn

The clavichord and harpsichord came into existence during the 14th century, with the clavichord probably coming first. Both the harpsichord and the clavichord were widely popular until the piano took over in the 18th century, but gradually declined in popularity after its introduction. The piano was a revolutionary instrument because a pianist could change the sound by varying the amount of energy applied to each key.

Keyboard instruments were further developed in the 20th century. Early electromechanical instruments such as the ondes Martenot appeared at the beginning of the century.

Which Musical Instrument Is Easy To Learn Piano keys were made of natural materials. The white and black tangents used to be made of ivory and ebony respectively, but nowadays artificial materials such as plastic are used to cover the wooden keys. Cheaper materials such as oak, walnut, and softwoods are now used.

There were many attempts to find an instrument that sounded like a piano but lacked the size and weight. The electric piano and the electronic piano were early attempts that, despite being useful instruments in their own right, were not successful in reproducing the timbre of a piano easily. Electric and electronic instruments were developed during this period.Which Musical Instrument Is Easy To Learn

Which Musical Instrument Is Easy To Learn Significant development of synthesizers occurred in the 1960s and has continued ever since. At that time, digital synthesis using actual piano samples became the current norm.

List of keyboard instruments

  • Chordophone
  • Clavichord
  • Electric piano
  • Clavinet
  • Pianet
  • Rhodes piano
  • Wurlitzer electric piano

Flute Musical Instrument

flute (Indian Bamboo bansuri)

Which Musical Instrument Is Easy To Learn The flute is a transverse alto flute from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal, made from a single length of bamboo, with six or seven open finger holes. An ancient musical instrument connected with shepherds and the pastoral tradition, it is closely connected with the love story of Krishna and Radha and is depicted in Buddhist paintings from about 100 AD. It is closely connected with Krishna’s Rasa lila; his flute tunes are poetically connected with driving the women of Braj mad. The North Indian flute, typically about 14 inches long, was traditionally used primarily as a soprano instrument for accompaniment in lighter compositions, including film music.Which Musical Instrument Is Easy To Learn

The word flute derives from the Sanskrit bans [bamboo] + swara [musical note]. There are two types of flutes: transverse and fipple. The fipple different is usually played in folk music and is held away from the lips and played like a whistle. Because of its stretchability and control, the transverse variety is preferred in classical music.Which Musical Instrument Is Easy To Learn

Which Musical Instrument Is Easy To Learn Pandit Pannalal Ghosh (1911–1960) elevated the flute from a folk instrument to serious classical music.[1] He improved the length and number of holes and eventually invented the long flute with larger holes and a seventh hole located at a 90-degree angle to the line of the other six holes. The long flute provided better coverage in the lower octaves. The length of the flute varies.

Another regular and interchangeable Indian flute played in South India is the venu. The six-hole flute is usually played using the index, middle and fourth finger of both hands. For the seven-hole flute the fifth finger (little finger) of the right hand is usually used.The sound produced by a flute comes from resonance in the column of air inside it. Which Musical Instrument Is Easy To Learn

The length of this support can be varied by closing or opening the holes. Keeping the holes half open helps in obtaining flat notes. The ‘Sa’ (in the Indian sargam scale, or similarly ‘Do’ on the octave) note is secure by covering the three holes above the mouth hole. Higher and lower interval are played by changing one’s mouth-hole. The flat part of the fingers is used to cover the holes, not the tips, as this provides better control and ease while playing the half-holes.

The sitting posture while playing is also important and care should be taken to avoid straining the back for a long time. Different sizes of flutes are used to play different tones. Long flutes with larger holes are generally used for lower octaves and thin flutes for higher octaves. Which Musical Instrument Is Easy To Learn To play the diatonic scale on the flute it is important to know where the notes are. Which Musical Instrument Is Easy To Learn example in a flute where Sa or tonic, which is always played by closing the first three holes, is equal to D, you can play sheet music by creating finger notations that correspond to the various notes.

A flutist can achieve the complexities of raga music such as subtle tones, ornamentations, and glissandos by varying the breath, speeding up when playing half and whole holes and covering the holes slowly.Which Musical Instrument Is Easy To Learn

Famous flute masters include Pt. Pannalal Ghosh, Pt. Vijay Raghav Rao, Pt. Hariprasad Chaurasia, Pt. Raghunath Seth Parveen Godkhinde

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